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Holding Newborn Baby

Meals for Mothers

A call to the people of Lopez Island!

Volunteer to cook a warm nutritious meal for a family with a new baby, and show them you value families and maternal health.  This simple act is a revolutionary way to bring the Community back into postpartum care of a mother, and create a web of reciprocity, generosity, and gratitude.  This is the stuff that true community is made of!

About Meals for Mothers

A true community means we step up to help our neighbors, whether we know them or not.  It means going a little bit out of our way, because we know that in the grand scheme of things, "what comes around, goes around".  Community is measured not in the exchange of business, but in the exchange of acts of kindness and true reciprocity. 

The health of a freshly-birthed mother directly impacts the health of her baby, which over time ripples out to affect the health of the family, community, region, and world.  Supporting mothers and babies is supporting the health of the future of humanity.

What is the simplest way to support mothers who have just given birth, and their families?  Feed them. Feed them something you cooked from scratch, something with love, something warm, something nutritious, something to fill their bellies and their hearts. 

Many mothers set up Meal Trains following the birth of their babies; often times it is friends of the mother who sign up to deliver a meal  But who says you have to know the mother to support her?  Who says that kindness and generosity stops at the boundary of stranger?

By entering your email in the box below, you will become part of an email list that is notified whenever a mother gives birth in our dear island community. You will receive a link to her Meal Train, and you can sign up to cook a meal.  It really is that simple.   

Tree Stump

I'm all in! Add me to the list, please!

You will never receive spam or promotional materials.  You will only receive emails to sign up for bringing a postpartum mother a meal. 

But, help! What do I cook?!

Warm, nutritious meals for mothers

Start with whole, fresh ingredients.  Support our local farmers if you can.  Cook with real ingredients, like herbs, ground spices, butter, and olive oil. Make it warm; no salads or raw vegetables here!  Prioritize stews and soups.

The most nutrient dense foods for mother include meat and seafood, whole-fat dairy, eggs, bone broth, organ meats, and cooked dark leafy greens.  Mother just created an entire human, she needs as much nutrition as she can get to recover optimally!

Contact Me

Questions or want to make a booking? Get in touch with me today so we can begin the conversation. 

Get in Touch!

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