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Your journey into and through motherhood is sacred.  You pass through many portals of initiation, all worthy of acknowledgment.  Though our current culture does not recognize the vast shifts mothers go through, the births and deaths of your journey are very alive for you.

During ceremonial offerings, take the time to reflect, receive wisdom from your inner well, and be taken care of with deep reverence and respect.  These offerings make thoughtful gifts for a mother or soon to be mother in your life, so please contact me if you'd like to gift a ceremony to a woman you know entering these initiatory stages.

Image by Erik Mclean
"At this threshold a great complexity of emotions comes alive: confusion, fear, excitement, sadness, hope. This is one of the reasons such vital crossing were always clothed in ritual. It is wise in your own life to be able to recognize and acknowledge the key thresholds; to take your time; to feel all the varieties of presence that accrue there; to listen inward with complete attention until you hear the inner voice calling you forward. The time has come to cross."
- John O'Donohue
Image by Jonathan Borba

Pre-conception or Pregnancy Baby-Soul Connection Ceremony

For women who intend to conceive in the near future or for those currently pregnant, a ceremonial opportunity to connect with the baby's spirit as well as honor your transition into motherhood. Blending Body & Soul, intuitive insights, nature immersion, sauna, and plant allies. 2 hours. $190

Image by Mike Labrum

Pregnancy Loss, Infant Loss, or Abortion Healing Ceremony

This unique offering combines Body & Soul session, traditional bone-closing ceremony, steaming, and soul-to-soul connection opportunities for the mother who has lost a baby, whether it's been a few weeks or a few decades. 2 hours. $190

Image by Ginny Rose Stewart

Postpartum Closing Ceremony

A personalized ceremony combining Body & Soul session, steaming, herbal foot bath, traditional bone-closing ceremony, and birth story processing for mothers who have birthed, whether it's been a few weeks or a few decades. 2 hours. $190

Payment by cash or check, tips not accepted. I am open to mutually-beneficial trade agreements.
In cases of true financial hardship, please contact me to see if we can create a solution together.

Contact Me

Questions or want to make a booking? Get in touch with me today so we can begin the conversation. 

Get in Touch!

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