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Body & Soul Sessions

For thousands of years humans have been using hands-on healing modalities to assess and help re-balance the interconnected layers of physical, emotional, and soul health.

In Body & Soul sessions, we open up space for the body and soul to communicate the root cause of a client’s symptoms or challenges. By using my hands to tune into the rhythms and unwinding within the energetic body, physical body, and fascia systems, I help the body witness its own patterns and blockages to shift to a state of balance and healing. It is important to note that sometimes the body holds onto patterns of disease or pain for reasons beyond our understanding; the body is innately intelligent and has reasons for every sign or symptom we feel.  

I believe with all my heart that you hold all the wisdom within, and I am here simply to help access and mobilize this innate body intelligence toward a path of healing and vibrancy.  It is not always an easy path, nor a passive one, but with compassion and humility, you can get to a deeper place of empowerment and profound change. 

In Body & Soul sessions I integrate a variety of techniques including: therapeutic non-invasive gentle touch inspired by craniosacral therapy, somatic dialogue, guided meditations, plant allies, nutritional and lifestyle guidance, and intuitive insights. Clients lie on a treatment table fully clothed and generally relax into a theta state (a brain wave pattern associated with deep relaxation, meditation, and REM sleep), sometimes even falling asleep.

Offerings for Families

I offer Body & Soul sessions to families:  mothers, fathers, babies, children, and teenagers, plus women and men preparing to conceive and start a family. Sessions are a time for the client to feel heard on all levels, so that true healing and wellness can be initiated.

Body & Soul sessions can help support babies with: colic, sleep disturbances, latching challenges, hypertonic muscle tone, digestive challenges, difficult pregnancy or birth, previous pregnancy loss, effects from the normal forces of labor and birth, and adjustment to life in a human body. Some babies arrive with imprints stemming from stress or challenges in pre-conception, pregnancy, or birth;  therapeutic touch can allow a baby to tell their story and resolve these early traumas before they grow into larger body or soul imbalances later in life.  

Body & Soul sessions can help support children and teens with: digestive challenges, sleep issues, hormone imbalances, fears and anxiety, behavioral challenges, depression, past trama, big changes in life and family, stress, unresolved birth/pre-natal imprints, and a sense of being "not their usual self".

Body & Soul sessions can help support parents with: fatigue and not enough sleep, overwhelm, feeling stuck, anxiety and depression, stress, PMS and irregular menses, hormone imbalance, chronic pain, digestive issues, pregnancy preparation, difficulty conceiving, pregnancy wellbeing, postpartum recovery and integration, headaches and migraines, relationship challenges, emotional or soul distress, and unresolved past trauma. In addition, a session can be highly rejuvinating and restful for parents, and can help balance, resource, and support their parenting and their lives overall.

Payment by cash or check, tips not accepted. I am open to mutually-beneficial trade agreements.
In cases of true financial hardship, please contact me to see if we can create a solution together.

Contact Me

Questions or want to make a booking? Get in touch with me today so we can begin the conversation. 

Get in Touch!

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